Hamas & Obama: Apparently, It's Only a Smear if McCain Says It
politics, scandal, news media, bias, left wing, Democrats, Republicans, terrorism
May 8, 2008, by Andy McCarthy
At Contentions, Jen Rubin reports that Barack Obama, the King of Righteous Indignation, is righteously (actually, risibly) indignant over a "smear" by John McCain — namely, McCain's factually true (and totally understandable) observation that Hamas wants Obama to be president.
Remarkable. On the plane ride here to Chicago, I caught up with our Mark Hemingway's superb article, "A Curious Kind of Friendship — Barack Obama's dubious record on Israel," in the current print edition of NR. There are gems throughout the piece, but Mark starts out discussing the Hamas endorsement:
Flattered by Hamas
April 17, 2008