Politico Acknowledges Media Favor Obama, But 'Ideological Favoritism' Is 'Nil'
politics, elections, left wing, Democrats, news media, bias
October 28, 2008, by Tim Graham
The most tiring argument is the "momentum bias" argument, that it’s odd to expect the press to report that the McCain campaign is going great when the polls are all against it. But that argument neglects that the polls in some respects reflect months and months of pro-Obama bias. Reporters are expected to challenge both candidates, not simply the one who’s behind, which the writers acknowledged:
A couple weeks back, Politico managing editor Bill Nichols sent out a note to the campaign team urging people to cough up more story ideas that took a skeptical look at the campaign tactics and policy proposals of the Democrat, who is likely to be president three months from now. As it happened, the response was a trickle.
This doesn't sound like a staff full of reporters that are detached from their own liberal opinions.
Why McCain is getting hosed in the press
October 28, 2008, by JOHN F. HARRIS & JIM VANDEHEI