What's 'Out of Context'?
politics, elections, scandal, bigotry, hate speech, liberalism, left wing, Democrats

May 1, 2008, by William Rusher

The most recent orator to try to take refuge in this imaginary hidey-hole is the Rev. Jeremiah Wright, Barack Obama's pastor and spiritual adviser for the past 20 years. In a sermon that has been excerpted on television innumerable times in recent weeks, the good reverend was bewailing the miserable condition into which America's white citizens have allegedly forced blacks. He charged, among other things, that whites actually invented AIDS to afflict the black population of the country. Working himself up into a righteous frenzy, he seized on the expression "God bless America" and declared that it badly needed revision. No, he thundered: The right view was "God damn America!" The listening parishioners cheered enthusiastically.